Episode 0042 – Questioning religion and keeping the faith

Let’s get religious! Well kind of. This morning I started writing about my internal battle between skepticism and religion. I guess religion is still winning at the moment, but there are still so many questions. Unfortunately, for those of us who try to be intellectually honest, there will never be an end to the questions. […]

Episode 0010 – Uncensored Midwestern Rubes, Racist Elites, and Bill Cooper (some PG-13 Language)

Uncensored Midwestern Rubes In celebration of making it to ten episodes, the guys decided to loosen up on the self-censorship. Well, sort of. Tony, to his credit, mostly maintained his professional decorum. This was really just a way for Mike to slip in several four-letter words to an otherwise intellectual show for no apparent reason. […]

Episode 009 – The Death of Radio, Medical Advice, and the 19 Presidents

Today we discuss the legacy of Rush Limbaugh and his impact on millions of people. Both of us are avid listeners to radio and podcasts and, regardless of our disagreements with his politics, none of this would have been possible without Rush paving the way. Hail Science There was a lot of corona talk today, […]

Episode 008 – Q Anon Mahna, Gun Confiscation, Joe Buckethead, and more…

Today we discuss how the deep state created Q Anon and how many political arguments are now structured off of this model. This is why you will hear many of the same political talking points and buzzwords regurgitated by a vast amount of people. Tony questions the infinite wisdom of the Rock and Roll Hall […]