Episode 009 – The Death of Radio, Medical Advice, and the 19 Presidents

Episode 009 – The Death of Radio, Medical Advice and the 19 Presidents

Today we discuss the legacy of Rush Limbaugh and his impact on millions of people. Both of us are avid listeners to radio and podcasts and, regardless of our disagreements with his politics, none of this would have been possible without Rush paving the way.

Hail Science

There was a lot of corona talk today, as we give our best medical advice, which is probably just about as valuable as our financial advice. We cover the importance of taking care of yourself and the importance of what you put into your body.

Also in science, we discuss the Texas energy crisis, and just who we think could be to blame. Speaking of advice, we give some very unprofessional home improvement tips.


Forbes is back on the show with an article about how one of the Reddit traders could be in quite a bit of trouble.

Q Anon

Apparently, there are really only 19 presidents instead of the 46 that we have all been indoctrinated to believe in?? This is seemingly based on the total misinterpretation of an 1871 law.


As always we conclude with sports, well really the lack thereof this week. Neither of us really follow the NBA that closely and other sports are not really in session. We do, however, talk a little more about the Indians name change and a survey that the team is sending around For more information on sports check out Tony’s site.

Check out some of the other stuff on the site, such as the Michael J Glem Show, articles, and music covers.

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