Stretching the Rubber Band

On the latest episode of my show, I talked about the rubber band theory from an old sitcom that I used to watch. The idea revolves around a cosmic rubber band. As good things happen to you the band is stretched back. Eventually, when you least expect it, the band is let go and snaps you in the face. While I do not ascribe to this theory in general, I do think it applies to politics.

Overturning Roe

It’s no secret that I grew up as a conservative in a conservative household. I do still hold some social-conservative beliefs, but I only apply them to the way that I choose to live my life. In the past, I would have celebrated the supreme court news leak that Roe V. Wade is likely to be overturned. However, I have learned to become more realistic.

Although this seems to be a step in the right direction, it is important to always mind the giant rubber band. Therefore my reaction to the news is this. I am personally happy that the decision is projected to be overturned, but this does not lessen my apprehension about political involvement. In simpler terms: “It’s a trap!”

You Can’t Win, You’re Not in the Club

Let’s take a step back and break this down logically. But first, here’s the trap. The government of the United States is supposedly broken into three branches by the constituiton. These branches are charged with making, executing, and interpreting the laws. The constitution is explicit about these powers being separately delegated to each branch.

In 1972 the supreme court made a decision that women were legally allowed to terminate their pregnancies. This decision, like many others, has been criticized as legislation coming from outside the legislative branch. Fair enough, I’ve heard both sides of this argument and you can support either with enough lawyer-speak.

Ok, so what’s my point? It seems like I was about to argue that Roe V. Wade is unconstitutional, but then that last part caused the whole argument to fizzle. So where am I going with this? The answer is that a legal view isn’t actually a far enough step back. The reason for this was so eloquently summed up by George Carlin “it’s a big club, folks, and you ain’t in it.”

The Depth of the Law

In Roe, the supreme court made a decision to legally justify the termination of human life via abortion. This is a clear, prideful overstep of man’s role in the universe. And this is where our step back actually leads us. The law cannot determine when human life begins, just as it cannot determine the speed of light or the expansion rate of the universe. These are all observations of natural phenomena.

Such is the nature of the state. Our societies have come to empower a small group of people, identified as leaders. Thye have become so powerful, that they are not only allowed- but also expected, to set parameters for the beginning of a human’s existence on this earth. This is what Plato referred to as the noble lie. Society grants ordinary, and most of the time extremely unimpressive, men and women, the power of gods. Because a majority of people checked a box next to their name (maybe).

So who are these people that can decide on such matters as the definition of existence as we know it? I mean they must be the most intelligent and qualified amongst us. They must be scholars of the highest degree. You know, people like Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The truth of the matter is that we are not represented by the government. And politics is not the way to accomplish anything meaningful in life. The best way forward is to seek truth outside of the club. Because there is no truth on the inside. There are only platitudes and promises that as we can see from Roe V. Wade, often undermine nature itself.

Find the Real

So get out there and build something real. Look into the actual observations that man has made about the universe. Read some classic novels, learn a trade, and maybe even try to discover yourself through religious texts and prayer. But by all means, avoid looking through the contorted, narrow scope of politics. The best way to avoid the snap of that rubber band is to not be standing in its way in the first place. That’s the beauty of not being allowed into the club.