The Michael J Glem Show 0047 – The World Opens, Justified Kill, and Testing God

0047 – The world opens, justified kill, and Testing God

The Rise of the Maskless

The world seems to be slowly reopening, as more people are either getting vaccinated or realizing that this whole thing was a severe over reaction. The government basically capitalized on the mass panic created by the media over the last year in order to amass a serious amount of power. Anyway, it appears that people are getting tired of it so they are slowly walking back restrictions so that the populous doesn’t realize just how much we outnumber those in power by and what that can imply.

Gratuitous Violence vs. Justifiable Homicide

Based on the video that was released out of Columbus, Lebron James is still as ignorant as ever when it comes to politics and worldly events. I’m generally not someone who throws very much support behind law enforcement, actually, I tend to oppose most things that they do, but the shooting in Columbus was absolutely legal and justified. This is much unlike all of the gratuitous beatings being dealt out by the RCMP goon squad up north.

Also I speak a little on the Chauvin verdict. To summarize: good riddence.

Testing God

I respond to an argument made by Father Robert Spitzer about being critical of the Church’s response to the virus. This is one of the few times I find myself in disagreement with Father Spitzer, who is really a brilliant guy. If you want a show with much more interesting information than this one check out Father Spitzer’s Universe.

Also check out my other stuff.