Politically Made 0012 – Another 1.9 Trillion, Vaccine with a hint of Murder, and Non-Racist royalty

Politically Made 0012 – Another 1.9 Trillion, Vaccine with a hint of murder, and Non-Racist royalty

Here’s some more money

We start off the show talking about how the government continues to hand out cash. This will obviously have no negative consequences ever. You’ll often see in nature that your means to survive will just fall out of the sky.

HEK 293 cell line

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine was developed using the HEK 293 cell line. This cell line originated in the murder of an unborn child.


No not Kansas City, the more racist ones. We talk about how colonization, much like America’s recent attempts to spread democracy is actually out of love.

Sports and Other Stuff

As usual the show ends with sports. If your not good at sports, and you are a man, simply declare you are now a woman. That way you can be a winner and get away with beating up women. Such is the code of 2021.

For more in-depth sports, check out Tony’s site.

Check out the Michael J Glem Show for more political apathy, current events, and random stuff, and my music page for music.