Episode 0001 – “Controversy Without Swearing”

So this is what happens when I sit down in front of a microphone and speak extemporaneously. This became a political rant fairly quickly, as most of the things bouncing around my head are in that vein, especially our failed foreign policy and its contradictions to being Pro-Life. The content is probably in some sort of handbook that deals in how to end a career before even starting one. Anyway, although much of the statements made are based on real principles that I hold, know that I do not take myself or most other things all that seriously, and many things that I say are in jest or intentionally over the top to encourage thought. One correction is that I said that Anarchists are not authoritarian. I meant to say are not opposed to all authority. Hopefully, you find me somewhat entertaining, and do not take to much offense to the content. Don’t worry these are just words, and I have no power over any issues I talk about, not that I would want that position. Enjoy and thank you for listening.