Episode 0022 – The Ultimate Objective and Defining Dimensions

The Ultimate Objective

On the show today, I talk about honing in on my ultimate objective. With substantial help from the recent book I read, 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson, I have been thinking lately about what goals I should be aiming at for this site and life in general.

Not to be confused with Objectivism

I have undergone a lot of ideological transformation over the last decade, and I identify the book Atlas Shrugged as the impetus of this process. Since the completion of this book, I feel I have come a long way ideologically and intellectually. I definitely do not identify as an Objectivist (Ayn Rand’s philosophy) as I may have been drawn toward doing at the time of reading the book.

Optimistic Rejection

There is an overall bitterness in Rand’s books, and rightfully so. A lot of the themes are based on the misery that is created by the extreme leftist movements of the 20th century. I have found it is possible to be aware of the destructiveness of these societal forces without being as bitter or resentful. This is of course without having lived through aforementioned misery, so it’s admittedly hard to truly empathize with Rand’s tone. This episode hopefully further challenges the status quo in an optimistic manner through education and entertainment.

Defining Dimensions

I am attempting to learn as much as I can in the humanities and sciences. (This is in hopes of someday relaying this information in an insightful manner to an audience.) This desire recently lead to my random google search of ‘time.’ I found an article in this search that seemed to suggest that time is not the fourth dimension that General Relativity implies that it is. This was a troublesome discovery for me, as I am still fairly uninformed in the area of physics.

This is where the internet really comes in handy. I was able to find another very useful resource in the Kahn Academy, which is basically a free online school. Their section on Special relativity within the physics class was extremely useful in reassuring my previous notions about time. I also found a very useful article from Forbes.

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