The Michael J Glem Show 0055 – Crypto, Covid, and Corruption

The Michael J Glem Show 0055 – Crypto, Covid, and Corruption

Crypto “Crash”

If you have any money in crypto or have been paying attention this week, you may have noticed a slide in the market. Analysts claim that this is due to the Chinese government banning any crypto activity. Side note: the Chinese government owns about $10 billion dollars worth of Bitcoin

This needs to stop!

Although I started the show with crypto news, I quickly slid into a long rant about the nonsense surrounding covid. Basically, masking is a way to take away your identity and it is child abuse to mask your children. Also, there are zero medical benefits to masks, and they do not prevent the transmission of viruses. Please do what you can to stand up for freedom from this medical tyranny. Our children need us to stand up!

Decentralized Finance, an optimistic view of crypto currency

A currency that is not backed or distributed by a central bank is a huge step away from tyranny. Once, Bitcoin and other coins are more utilized for the purchase of goods and services, society will be much better off. This will also lead to less dependence on the medical and other tyrants. This is definitely why China has banned it.